Community Partners
Here you will find descriptions of local businesses and people who are actively working with the Salem Cat Museum
Notso Kitty is a Salem-based handmade cat accessory business that sells items to the public both online and in pop-up marketplace settings around Salem. The owner & creative director of Notso Kitty, Wendy Casazza Scruton, also happens to be the founder of the Salem Cat Museum and Witch City Kitty. You might say she is a little bit catty- ;)
Witch City Kitty is a cat event unique to Salem, MA! Started in 2019 as a way for cat lovers to gather in person in the Witch City, the one-day pop-up fair last occurred at Old Town Hall in September, 2024
North Shore Community Development Coalition
The North Shore CDC partnered with the Salem Cat Museum to provide the Museum with space for it’s first extended pop-up stay that lasted from 3/2/23-5/28/23. The NSCDC continues to support the Museum through its economic development programs. Learn more about these and other amazing programs that the NSCDC sponsors at the link below